Part 7: Ep. 5: One, Two, Three Strikes You're Out

Last time on MySims Agents
: ... um. Sorry, pal. The only thing I can remember about last time is that sick burn.
The tunnel leads deeper into the park, into a forested area.
The camera pans over some suspiciously platform-like hills and stumps.
So now we have our first 3D-platformer section! Jumping in the MySims
games is not really a precise mechanic. The jump animation itself is rubber-ball bouncy--and since we have no camera control whatsoever, we can't line up our jumps. Fortunately, we're also indestructible and can (and will) safely fall from any height. Anyway, we jump over to this platform here--
--and do some elementary balance-beam stuff. We walk along the dead tree, wobbling back and forth, constantly correcting our angle of lean lest we fall off. Later on there will be winds involved, but this entire case reeks of 'tutorial', so the dead tree is dead easy.
We nearly fall at the top, but manage to make it safely to the next platform.
Jump to the stump, jump to the platform in back, walk behind the trees, and we arrive.

I'll need to dislodge the paper to see what it says. Maybe my crowbar could do it...
We wield the crowbar and wave the wiimote, bashing the shit out of the stone monolith until the paper gets shaken off.

I still can't believe I get paid for this.

This note proves that Derek made a "delivery" to Morcucorp. Was it Gino's Maps?
We hop back down and... whoa, Buddy, you okay there? Anyway, if we look closely at the trail that we followed in, it detours past yet another garbage can. Hm.

Well, looks like I've found Gino's maps! I should return them.
We'll talk to people we pass on the way out, just in case they know anything. Travis is wandering around the outer area of the park.

: Hi, Travis. Do you know what happened to Gino's maps?

: Sorry, Sam, I don't. I don't use maps myself. I use my cell phone's GPS! Maps are so 20th century, dude!
Might as well ask Poppy, too.

: Hi, Poppy! Have you heard about Gino's maps?

: Maps? I thought Gino made pizza!

: You're right! Never mind, Poppy!
And... what the hell.

: Heya Dogwood!
We've put off climbing the ladder long enough, I think. Let's go experience that delicious pizza grease for ourselves. We go around behind the restaurant--
--climb the ladder--
--and jump up on the piled-up boxes--how convenient--to make the jump to the roof. We're confronted with three chimneys. Investigating the first two nets us nothing, but investigating the weird double chimney at the front...
Let's head back down.
Heading back down from the roof, we accidentally jump through the ladder opening on the fire escape, which means that Sam falls from the second-story rooftop to the ground below. Fortunately, he's fine. Let's go report in.

: Gino, this baseball was clogging up your chimney! This is what started the fire!

: What?! That's crazy! I don't even like baseball! Who would do such a thing to me and my pizza?

: That's what I need to find out, Gino. Does anyone play baseball around here?

: No one! Wait! Yes! Lots of people! Just last month that rotten kid Derek put his smelly baseball glove on my nice clean table! I chased him out with a broom!
Huh. Derek allegedly enjoys baseball. Who could possibly have guessed he was tangled up in this case? But, just to be fair...

: Shirley, do you know whose baseball this is?

: I gotta go, Shirley.
Patrick has nothing to say about the baseball, so let's go talk to Derek about it instead.

: Derek, let's talk about baseballs.

: What? What are you talking about? I love baseballs.

: I'll bet you do. So, is this
your baseball?

Derek used his baseball to start the fire! Was he after the maps, or is Derek just a jerk?
Enough of that. Let's go give Gino back his maps.

: Gino, I found your maps!

: Oh, fantastico!! You're a life saver, Agent Sam!

: Fascinating. They were only interested in
one of your maps, Gino.

: You see, these had all been discarded.

I'm ruined!!

: Gino, this is a solid lead. I'll get to the bottom of this.

I wonder if Shirley, Patrick, or Derek are particularly interested in mountains.
Time to talk to our suspects again! Gotta be thorough about this, after all. We catch Shirley first.

: Heard any news about
mountains lately, Shirley?

: Mountains, hon? Hmmmm....

: Don't worry, Shirley. If you haven't heard anything, that's fine.

: Yeah, sorry hon! Nothing comes to mind.

: No problem. Thanks.
Next, Derek.

: Heard any news about
mountains lately, Derek?

: Derek, if you'd just help me out here for a minute...

: What do you want from me? I don't know anything about anything. Buzz off!
Helpful as ever. Next, Patrick.

: Heard any news about
mountains lately, Patrick?

: Huh! As a matter of fact, Derek has been goin' on nonstop about mountains.

: Is that

: Kid must have gotten into snowboardin' or something.

: Thanks, Patrick. Very useful to know.

The mountain map was the only one missing, and Patrick says that Derek has been interested in mountains recently. Suspicious!

I should go back to Gino and report the results of my investigation.
So we do!

: I've got great news for you, Gino! I've discovered who stole your maps!

: All signs point to Derek being the thief, Gino.

What?! That Derek is the cause of my ruination?! Why? How?

: Well, it seems that Derek was hired by Morcubus to steal your maps.

: When the fire started he stole the maps and ran off, dumping the maps along the way that Morcubus didn't want. He then left your mountain map out in the forest at a pickup site for Morcucorp operatives to pick up.

: I'm sorry, Gino. I'm afraid there's no way to track the map down any further.

: Gino, I want a slice of sausage and pepperoni... and make it quick! I'm busy!

You are banned forever!!!

: Wha? No! I love your pizza, Gino! You can't do that to me! I'm a loyal customer!

: Aw, man!
Derek leaves, dejected and probably also terrified. Gino immediately cheers up.

: That was great! I've been wanting a reason to ban him for so long! You're a lifesaver, Sam!

: Well, Gino, I guess that's case closed!

Next time on MySims Agents
: A lovely bouquet from Shirley's secret admirer? Into the flowers... and out of the fire!

... you make less and less sense every day.
Video: Platforming: Park Forest
The entirety of the tiny platforming section, complete with sweet, sweet monolith-bashing action.
Video: Falling Down
It's come to this: I've made a five-second-long YouTube video just to show you Sam falling off a roof and landing on his ass.